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C o n t a c t

The countertenor voice may actually be unfamiliar to those of us not from the classical realm, as many of us would probably only have heard of the 3 main male voices -Tenor, Baritone and Bass. The countertenor voice is the highest of the adult male voice types, and has a vocal range that is similar to that of the female contraalto voice the lowest of the female voices types.
An approximate countertenor vocal range would be from a G note below the middle C (G3) to a high F one octave above the middle C (F5). Be sure to support your voice well with your breath so as to get a more accurate representation of the range in your voice.
Also, the tessitura or most comfortable singing range for countertenors lies above that of the tenor and other adult male voices. The countertenor voice would usually be able to sing the high head voice notes with great ease and brightness in tone, and would often be confused by many listeners with regular female voices.
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What is Countertenor ?

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